When I got off the plane and heard the news, I was devastated.
I took it very personally.
I realized that I had presumed without doubt that the world however slowly, would always make its steps towards being more open and understanding, that it was gradually freeing itself of its divisions and fear. But I realize now that I was blindly looking at what I was hoping to see.
I took it personally because, i have had an immigrant status in many countries and have been a minority in many more groups in societies. I have very rarely felt I have secured a position on majority side.
And though the US is not one of the countries that I have lived in, I think I did have a belief that it was one of the societies that embraced the diversity that it has nurtured from its foundation.
And for that reason, I personally felt turned down, felt extremely uncomfortable seeing how the presidential's came out.
出張帰りの空港でニュースをきいて、本当にショックだった。 個人的にとてもしんどかった。世界は遅々としながらも、 ゆっくりと相互理解とオープンな社会に歩みを進め、 それが孕む恐怖と分断は徐々に取り除かれていくと疑いなく信じて いたから。でも、今となっては自分が "目に映したい" と思ったものを盲信していたことがわかる。
私が "個人的にしんどい"、と感じたのは私が各地で「移民」 として暮らした経験があるからであり、 それ以上に多くの社会やコミュニティーでマイノリティーとして生活してきたから。
これは主観でもあるのだが、私は自分が「 多数派」に安住できている、と思ったことがほとんどない。 アメリカは私が生活してきた国の1つではないけれど、 建国から多様性を礎とし、 それを育んできた社会だという信頼を持って見ていた。だから、 そのアメリカの大統領選がこのような結果になった事に私は個人と してとても落胆した。
It wasn't so much Trump as an individual. It was the fact that the there were so many Americans who raised their flags to say that they felt the same. Trump wasn't just one individual. He now "represented " the people. I now knew it was not something new. That I had been very blind, and I was very much overwhelmed by the visibility of "la volonté généralel" in its Rousseaurian terms.
This was the first wave of thought that spread as I head back home on the train.
トランプ個人というよりも、「私たちも同じ気持ちなんだ」 と旗ふるアメリカ人がこんなにもいたことが怖かった。 彼はいまや人々を "代表" している。 自分がとても盲目だったこと、"一般意志" が、 こんな形で可視化されたことに、圧倒されてしまった。
空港からの電車、 少し遠回りして揺られながら、第一波としてまず身体を巡ったのはそんなことだっ た。
On my second thought, I began to think how this unimaginable gap has dug in deep between what "we" imagined and the results demonstrated.
どうして、これほどの隔絶が「私たち」の想像と、 結果が示した現実の間に食い込むように深く刻まれてしまったのだ ろう。
the media is now frantically calculating polls to explain how it happened.
It talks about how Non-college educated whites voted for Trump
It talks about how Men more likely voted for Trump
It talks about how middle-aged and old people voted for Trump
メディアはいま躍起になって投票結果を切り刻むように計算してい る。
Many analysis tried to show even during the campaign that, it was that it was self-centered reflex that drove people to Trump. It was an uneducated, uninformed choice which someone with decency and intellect would never make.
I am not going to lie. I thought so myself.
But we have to have our ways of understanding the Trump supporters, (who now is the majority in the US), through glasses other than Trump himself.
Trump supporters does not equal Trump, and that is why we did not see this coming.
I think what is useful and both comforting in some sense is to understand that the Trump supporters are themselves diverse and are in layers. What right have we got to say to think that "our side" is the only one with a mix and they haven't. To say, and label them in terms such as "uneducated white" is nothing better than what Trump has been to aggravate and marginalize people.
And that is the point that I was missing on my first thought
トランプ支持者の中にも複層性があり、彼/彼女らもまた多様であるということ。その認識は有用であると同時に、私たちに一定の安堵をもたらすものでもあると私は感じます。どうして私たちは、多様性が "こちら側" の専売特許であり、彼らにはそれがないと、言えるのだろう。それは傲慢というものだ。"教養のない白人" という一言のラベルで彼/彼女らを括ってしまうこと、それはトランプ自身が人を挑発し、周縁化するためにしてきたことと、何ら変わりがない。
There are first layer of Trump supporters, the fervent sympathizers whom we see through media reports with red caps and with outrageous banner signs.
They support not only what he says but how he says it. This first layer of supporters might be, like the analysis tries to show. "uninformed" group, letting their fear explode.
This sight makes us fall into the trap of amalgamation.
It drives us to assimilate all Trump supporters with Trump himself.
At the same time I like many others had a faith for the mankind, to be good in their fundamental nature.
This is why we thought Trump was never going to win.
Because we didn't see "a Trump" in our daily lives. No one thought some who is so shockingly vulgar and violent in his beliefs and comportment could be a majority.
That led me to feel my first wave of reaction. Because I suddenly felt that those standing around me were thinking and acting like Trump without me noticing.
なぜなら、私たちは自分たちの日常で "トランプのような人” に会うことがなかったから。私たちは誰もが、こんなにも下品で暴力的な考えと言動を持った人が"多数派"だなんて信じていなかった。
But that is not true. Trump triumphed, because those like him, those "mini-Trumps" were not the only ones supporting him. Mini-Trumps are not a majority. I still have enough faith in mankind to say so.
There are also another layers of supporters.
Now that I see the results before my eyes, I would say that many Trump supporters knew very well what they were voting for. They weren't blind. They have't suddenly stopped thinking. They saw what we saw. They saw his vulgarity, his radicalism, his ignorance.
But their anger, their disappointment, their sense of being underserved by their government, had rose to such an extent that they were prepared to give up on those qualities to their leaders as a sacrifice to have their best interests fulfilled. And from that, I think we'd have to take their despair very seriously. If they all saw and felt the same way for towards what Trump represented, imagine how desperate they were to forgo for those values to be represented by their President.
でも、それは間違っている。トランプが勝ったのは、沢山の "Mini-Trump" 以外の人も彼を支持したからだ。"Mini-Trump" は多数派ではない。自分の中の性善説を私はそう簡単には捨てきれない。
今、結果を前にして、私は第一層目の下にいる多くのトランプ支持者は自分が "何に対して支持表明をしているか" よく理解して、投票していたと思う。彼/彼女らも盲目であった訳ではない。考えることをやめたわけではない。彼らも私たちと同じ姿をトランプに見ていたと思う。彼の下品で、過激で、無知なところ、全て理解した上で投票している。
I have in my years of studying Political Science learnt that as the world became more mutually-dependent, as states spread its spheres to connect with each other, the world would become more peaceful. Because to attack another fellow group would also cause damage to oneself. It means in a long-term, it was to build up to the common public good of the world to make peace, ideally speaking. And that was one idea the creation of EU on the other end of the Atlantic. And I'm still convinced by the general principles of this idea. But this is the very reason people was disillusioned by the politics today. Politics that served for "the global public good" felt very much afar from their "personal interests".
How does working for the best cause of the globe translate my own life? How can it be representing the best interests for "us", and after all, isn't democracy about serving what's best for "us" and not EVERYONE?"
Racism and exclusionism was about detouring a contours of a smaller circle to draw out a easier common denominator that better served those people within that circle. It meant less compromise, short-term results and less bargains. And I would argue for similarly for what drove Brexit.
And in this sense I think globalization and codependency of the today's world have found a brick wall to stand together with representative democracy.
The question of tomorrow is to think how we can both seek what is best for the globe, not shattering ourselves to "war if all against all" (Hobbes) but still let the citizens FEEL that their political system serves Them and not just the global system.

Reason is a very strong weapon. It reassures us by giving us means to fight and protect ourselves. But its blade is not always helpful when we are trying to comfort and persuade people. This election has taught me that reason just on its own can do little, very little. Emotion is not an antithesis to reason. I like to believe that it is about showing it and seeking the path to inclusiveness is the headlight that lightens our footsteps to tomorrow.
I took it very personally.
I realized that I had presumed without doubt that the world however slowly, would always make its steps towards being more open and understanding, that it was gradually freeing itself of its divisions and fear. But I realize now that I was blindly looking at what I was hoping to see.
I took it personally because, i have had an immigrant status in many countries and have been a minority in many more groups in societies. I have very rarely felt I have secured a position on majority side.
And though the US is not one of the countries that I have lived in, I think I did have a belief that it was one of the societies that embraced the diversity that it has nurtured from its foundation.
And for that reason, I personally felt turned down, felt extremely uncomfortable seeing how the presidential's came out.
私が "個人的にしんどい"、と感じたのは私が各地で「移民」
It wasn't so much Trump as an individual. It was the fact that the there were so many Americans who raised their flags to say that they felt the same. Trump wasn't just one individual. He now "represented " the people. I now knew it was not something new. That I had been very blind, and I was very much overwhelmed by the visibility of "la volonté généralel" in its Rousseaurian terms.
This was the first wave of thought that spread as I head back home on the train.
On my second thought, I began to think how this unimaginable gap has dug in deep between what "we" imagined and the results demonstrated.
the media is now frantically calculating polls to explain how it happened.
It talks about how Non-college educated whites voted for Trump
It talks about how Men more likely voted for Trump
It talks about how middle-aged and old people voted for Trump
Many analysis tried to show even during the campaign that, it was that it was self-centered reflex that drove people to Trump. It was an uneducated, uninformed choice which someone with decency and intellect would never make.
I am not going to lie. I thought so myself.
But we have to have our ways of understanding the Trump supporters, (who now is the majority in the US), through glasses other than Trump himself.
Trump supporters does not equal Trump, and that is why we did not see this coming.
I think what is useful and both comforting in some sense is to understand that the Trump supporters are themselves diverse and are in layers. What right have we got to say to think that "our side" is the only one with a mix and they haven't. To say, and label them in terms such as "uneducated white" is nothing better than what Trump has been to aggravate and marginalize people.
And that is the point that I was missing on my first thought
トランプ支持者の中にも複層性があり、彼/彼女らもまた多様であるということ。その認識は有用であると同時に、私たちに一定の安堵をもたらすものでもあると私は感じます。どうして私たちは、多様性が "こちら側" の専売特許であり、彼らにはそれがないと、言えるのだろう。それは傲慢というものだ。"教養のない白人" という一言のラベルで彼/彼女らを括ってしまうこと、それはトランプ自身が人を挑発し、周縁化するためにしてきたことと、何ら変わりがない。
There are first layer of Trump supporters, the fervent sympathizers whom we see through media reports with red caps and with outrageous banner signs.
They support not only what he says but how he says it. This first layer of supporters might be, like the analysis tries to show. "uninformed" group, letting their fear explode.
This sight makes us fall into the trap of amalgamation.
It drives us to assimilate all Trump supporters with Trump himself.
At the same time I like many others had a faith for the mankind, to be good in their fundamental nature.
This is why we thought Trump was never going to win.
Because we didn't see "a Trump" in our daily lives. No one thought some who is so shockingly vulgar and violent in his beliefs and comportment could be a majority.
That led me to feel my first wave of reaction. Because I suddenly felt that those standing around me were thinking and acting like Trump without me noticing.
なぜなら、私たちは自分たちの日常で "トランプのような人” に会うことがなかったから。私たちは誰もが、こんなにも下品で暴力的な考えと言動を持った人が"多数派"だなんて信じていなかった。
But that is not true. Trump triumphed, because those like him, those "mini-Trumps" were not the only ones supporting him. Mini-Trumps are not a majority. I still have enough faith in mankind to say so.
There are also another layers of supporters.
Now that I see the results before my eyes, I would say that many Trump supporters knew very well what they were voting for. They weren't blind. They have't suddenly stopped thinking. They saw what we saw. They saw his vulgarity, his radicalism, his ignorance.
But their anger, their disappointment, their sense of being underserved by their government, had rose to such an extent that they were prepared to give up on those qualities to their leaders as a sacrifice to have their best interests fulfilled. And from that, I think we'd have to take their despair very seriously. If they all saw and felt the same way for towards what Trump represented, imagine how desperate they were to forgo for those values to be represented by their President.
でも、それは間違っている。トランプが勝ったのは、沢山の "Mini-Trump" 以外の人も彼を支持したからだ。"Mini-Trump" は多数派ではない。自分の中の性善説を私はそう簡単には捨てきれない。
今、結果を前にして、私は第一層目の下にいる多くのトランプ支持者は自分が "何に対して支持表明をしているか" よく理解して、投票していたと思う。彼/彼女らも盲目であった訳ではない。考えることをやめたわけではない。彼らも私たちと同じ姿をトランプに見ていたと思う。彼の下品で、過激で、無知なところ、全て理解した上で投票している。
I have in my years of studying Political Science learnt that as the world became more mutually-dependent, as states spread its spheres to connect with each other, the world would become more peaceful. Because to attack another fellow group would also cause damage to oneself. It means in a long-term, it was to build up to the common public good of the world to make peace, ideally speaking. And that was one idea the creation of EU on the other end of the Atlantic. And I'm still convinced by the general principles of this idea. But this is the very reason people was disillusioned by the politics today. Politics that served for "the global public good" felt very much afar from their "personal interests".
How does working for the best cause of the globe translate my own life? How can it be representing the best interests for "us", and after all, isn't democracy about serving what's best for "us" and not EVERYONE?"
And in this sense I think globalization and codependency of the today's world have found a brick wall to stand together with representative democracy.
The question of tomorrow is to think how we can both seek what is best for the globe, not shattering ourselves to "war if all against all" (Hobbes) but still let the citizens FEEL that their political system serves Them and not just the global system.

Reason is a very strong weapon. It reassures us by giving us means to fight and protect ourselves. But its blade is not always helpful when we are trying to comfort and persuade people. This election has taught me that reason just on its own can do little, very little. Emotion is not an antithesis to reason. I like to believe that it is about showing it and seeking the path to inclusiveness is the headlight that lightens our footsteps to tomorrow.